How to get information about a Charge?
To retrieve a full list of all charges that have been created, you need to call the method GET /v2.0/charges.
To get information about a specific charge, you need to call the method GET /v2.0/charges/(id).
The GET /v2.0/charges/(id) method can be called without using an API key if you know the charge id, but the response will contain incomplete information, including the following attributes:
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": "<string>",
"logo": {},
"project_logo": {},
"project_id": "<string>",
"pricing_type": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"fiat_price": {}
This information is provided without authorization to allow you to generate and display the payment page independently, without using the Cryptix payment link.